This website, I have started to reference myself and helping someone like me 🙂 My name is Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy and my hometown is M.Uthamasolagan village near Chidambaram. I’m currently working as a SQL server DBA in one of the top MNC.
I’m passionate about SQL Server And I’m specialized in Administration and Performance tuning. I’m an active member of SQL server Central and MSDN forum.
I like dance, sports, website & Home designing. I’m holding the Microsoft Certified IT Professional and Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist.
PS: For creating new blog website, please plan two things 1. Free blog or hosted 2. In technology name or your name. Since, you may have knowledge in more than one technologies or moved to different one, better to start in your name.
I love to help folks. Please feel free to contact me.
Location: India
City: Chennai
Twitter @querymuthu

Muthu My dear new design looks great!i’m looking forward to read your next blog posts.
Muthukkumaran kaliyamoorthy
Hmmm… Thanks dear. If you want any web design tell me I will do for free 🙂
Hi Muthu,
I really appreciate the way of explanation. I am from non IT background. After reading your blog i really understood everything about backup. Really hats off to you and you have a good future ahead and god bless you. I really need one more help from you..Still i am searching for job. Can you please send me some materials which is easy to understand and also interview questions and answers. I would be great and thankful and i will keep remember you till my death.
Nice blog, I really like your post, great point made. I cannot wait to dig into this material and learn from it. I am sure your next information would be very interesting. I am patiently waiting to see more. Wish you all the best! Thanks.
Muthukkumaran kaliyamoorthy
Hi muthu,
Happy to see ur docs. Thanks
Muthukkumaran kaliyamoorthy
Thanks ajeez.
Valerie Anne
An Good post with good points.
Muthukkumaran kaliyamoorthy
Thanks Valerie anne.
Munish Raja
hi, i am a fresher and i am new to RDBMS.
I appreciate your effort .gr8 job..keep it up…..
I read ur article in SQL SERVER BLOG FORUM…It was really very helpfull 4 me…..
can u just tell wats the procedure to do SQL CERTIFICATION?and also the scope of SCOPE OF SQL DBA….. Hope U reply
Thanks and Regards,
Hi muthukumar,
this is arun…I am working in one IT concern. i want to be SQL DBA… where i have study SQL DBA. please suggest me.. preferable centers
Muthukkumaran kaliyamoorthy
I am not sure about the training centers. I’ve not done. I suggest you to install SQL freeware express edition and work some small task like DML/DDL, get back to folks for doubts. Do some research on the internet and participate forum. You can definitely lean SQL and become a DBA.
Hey, Muthukkumaran. Your blog is simply awesome. No more words to describe. While i have been wandering in google for SQL Server articles i got ur page. i have read so many blogs but did not get clear information than you with examples. Keep going on.. and please send me some real time issues while we face in interview.
poongkuzhali Patel
i need to leaen sql server …..
I have gone through your sites.I have one question for u .
i have two database name it as test A ( full recovery model) and test B( bulk logged recovery model).Now i took the backup on two db size is 1 TB.After some time my both db’s (test a and test B) was crashed.
Now what is position of backup’s can you please let me know.
Muthukkumaran kaliyamoorthy
@meghana, If you still able to take a tail log backup you can take that and restore a DB. If not you need to restore from backup. Here is the article and script
Hi muthu,
i am sakthi’s friend very good docs…some help i reqd from you i call u tommorow
Hi Dude,
Its Aesome. Recentely i jump to application support to SQL DBA platform … i have lot of doubts and clarification in my min. now i cleared in Recovery types… i want to know about the performance tuning. can you please help me what is performace tuning. and we can do for performance issue ..
hey muthu
i am new to sqldba. what i need to learn first
I am trying to find your latest index fragmentation script for sql server 2000, but I am not able to find it anywhere on the blog. Could you please email this script?
Muthukkumaran kaliyamoorthy
Dear Readers, My mailbox got crashed and I cannot recover the emails. Sorry for the inconvenience and please send me an email to my personal id also.
Hi Muthukumar,
Could you please help on peer to peer replectaion. How can i stop all the replecation jobs in existing P2P replcation environment and explain me how add new article to that environment. waiting for your reply
thank u
and the question is for 2008 sql environment.
HI Muthu,
Thanks for your script. I have few requests -hope you can help me.
[1] When i schedule your script it will run on all the databases. Can you let me know the best way to amend so that i can run it on selected databases.
[2] when i schedule this to run from SQL Server agent, how should i call this SP.
My email ID:
Many Thanks.
Hope you are doing good…!
I would like to do microsoft certificate on DBA, could you please guide me on this.
Dear Sir,
kindly resolve my database below issue in SQL Server 2008.
database mail show in mail queue (Or “unsent”) and not show in Database logs but same working fine before one week.
Thanks & Regards,
Kailash Singh,
M: 7827492235
I want check errorlog for every five mins with specific error and i want output with mail.
Could you please help us
Hi Muthu,
I have an SQL query but once I run the query.. it gives an error declare the scalar variable “@prm_StartDate” & a DB Errorcode=137.
Please advice.
Vignesh R
Hi Muthu,
I am from non IT background and working in BPO Non voice from engineering back round. I am trying to switch to IT field and I am interested in SQL/PLSQL. I am going to do it in online. Please suggest me how I can start with. Please help me with your number not in comments through my Waiting for your reply.
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