• AutoMon

    Drive space percentage low threshold alert notification Automon DBA SPs – AM04

    This will check all SQL server Drive and notify on the low space percentage based on the threshold. This will enable & disable Ole Automation Procedures, make sure, if you have system to be always enabled Ole Automation Procedures, comment the script based on the requirements. WARNING: It needs Ole Automation Procedures, enable and disable (OR) permanently enable if it already enabled or needed to be enabled for any applications. Table: use DBAdata -- select * from DBAdata.dbo.DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage drop table DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage]( [DRIVE] [char](1) NULL, [Lable_NAME] [varchar](50) NULL, [FREE_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [used_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [Total_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [Precentage_free] NUMERIC(9,0) NULL, [SERVER_NAME] [varchar](50) NULL ) /*=====================================*/ -- select *…

  • AutoMon

    Drive space low alert notification Automon DBA SPs – AM03

    The script will notify the low disk space of SQL server drives based on the threshold. Table: use DBAdata drop table DBA_All_Server_Space CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DBA_All_Server_Space]( [DRIVE] [char](1) NULL, [FREE_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [SERVER_NAME] [varchar](50) NULL ) /*=====================================*/ CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Error_handling]( [Server_name] [varchar](50) NULL, [Module_name] [varchar](50) NULL, [Error_Line] [int] NULL, [Error_Number] [bigint] NULL, [Error_Severity] [int] NULL, [Error_State] [int] NULL, [Error_Message] [varchar](1000) NULL, [Upload_Date] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DBA_ALL_OPERATORS]( [NAME] [varchar](25) NULL, [EMAIL_ADDRESS] [nvarchar](100) NULL, [STATUS] [int] NULL, [Mail_copy] [varchar](5) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] select * from DBA_ALL_OPERATORS insert into DBA_ALL_OPERATORS values ('Muthu','muthukkumaran.kaliyamoorthy@abcd.com',1,'CC') /*=====================================*/ use [DBAdata_Archive] CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DBA_All_Server_Space]( [DRIVE] [char](1) NULL, [FREE_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [SERVER_NAME] [varchar](50) NULL, [Upload_date] [datetime]…

  • AutoMon

    Drop server into Automon DBA SPs – AM02

    Dropping a server from the Automon CMS. Again, use SQL linked server or other source linked server SP, both are scripted here. This script will delete the entry from table and drop linked server automatically. Drop servers as other data source  SP: alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[USP_DBA_DROPSERVER_FOR_MONITOR] /* Summary: Drop server into AutoMon Contact: Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy SQL DBA Description: Drop server into AutoMon ChangeLog: Date Coder Description 2013-jan-21 Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy Updated the 2012 functionality */ @P_LINK_SERVER SYSNAME, @P_SERVER SYSNAME, @P_VERSION SYSNAME, @P_DESC VARCHAR(50) --@P_USERNAME SYSNAME, --@P_PWD VARCHAR(100) WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @LINK_SERVER SYSNAME DECLARE @SERVER SYSNAME DECLARE @VERSION SYSNAME DECLARE @DESC VARCHAR(50) --DECLARE @USERNAME SYSNAME --DECLARE @PWD VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @droplogins VARCHAR(100)…

  • AutoMon

    Add server into Automon DBA SPs – AM01

    Adding a server to the DBA Automon CMS as other data source, if you want to have a unique name of linked server DBA_*. There is one more SP by using SQL server, both will be useful, we can use either of one. I prefer to go SQL when it is a dedicated system for AutoMon. This script will add servers into the table and creates a linked server automatically. Add servers as other data source  SP: DBA_servername use DBAData go alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[USP_DBA_ADDSERVER_FOR_MONITOR] /* Summary: Add server into AutoMon Contact: Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy SQL DBA Description: Add server into AutoMon ChangeLog: Date Coder Description 2013-jan-21 Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy Updated the 2012…

  • AutoMon,  DBA

    DBA AutoMon configure Database Centralized management server CMS

    Setup Database Centralized management server CMS DBA AutoMon This is a series of post which will have lot of posts and scripts, which will help DBAs to do proactive work – consolidation and quickly understand the environments. Some background and thanks to my senior DBA Roshan Joe Joseph, we have started together this automation and scripts in year 2008, when we don’t have much tools and where the client could not invest money to buy a tool. We started the DBA AutoMon and planned to build a front end GUI, we could not finish that due to family, personal life and different company career. In most of the service based…