Setup Database Centralized management server CMS DBA AutoMon This is a series of post which will have lot of posts and scripts, which will help DBAs to do proactive work – consolidation and quickly understand the environments. Some background and thanks to my senior DBA Roshan Joe Joseph, we have started together this automation and scripts in year 2008, when we don’t have much tools and where the client could not invest money to buy a tool. We started the DBA AutoMon and planned to build a front end GUI, we could not finish that due to family, personal life and different company career. In most of the service based…
Log shipping LSN mismatch issue The log in this backup set begins at LSN , which is too recent to apply to the database
How to troubleshoot LSN mismatch issue in log shipping I have got an email, how to fix for log shipping, I already have a post for alwayson For log shipping: you will have entry like this in the job error Message 2019-12-21 21:09:45.39 *** Error: The file ‘\LAPTOP-ISGUKEUC\Backup_Copy\T_20191221153913.trn’ is too recent to apply to the secondary database ‘T’.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.LogShipping) *** 2019-12-21 21:09:45.39 *** Error: The log in this backup set begins at LSN 31000000048600001, which is too recent to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 31000000048200001 can be restored. RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.(.Net SqlClient Data Provider) *** Following is the code to find…
SQL server registered server CMS usage
SQL server registered server usage It is very useful for DBAs and junior DBAs to collect information from all the servers, reports etc. Example: Collect all the logins, jobs, larger database size from all the 300+ servers etc. It is per user, each one needs to create their own category version wise or environment wise. Make sure, the query will run all the servers, try to use select mostly, if you are performing and DDL or DML verify it before running, since it will make changes in all the servers. You can also use centralized management server, it is for all users.
Parameter sniffing problem PSP SQL server database capture and analysis options
Being a DBA we could see many of PSP parameter sniffing problem is SQL server database. I have seen many of it, following is the way to capture and analysis. Issue 1 – We had issue for one of the important claim data loads every night, which suddenly running long time to load the data. Issue 2 – The website is going unresponsive state daily once or twice By default SQL server will sniffing the parameter, meaning the SQL engine will store the plan in cache for any parameters the same plan will be used in the future. It is good most of the time, since parameter Sniffing is useful…
How to delete rows in a table are same identical rows in all the fields where clause column
How to delete rows in a table are same identical rows in all the fields where clause column. Recently, i got this from one of my friend. create table tbl_delete (id int, name varchar(30)) insert into tbl_delete values (1,'Muthu') insert into tbl_delete values (1,'Muthu') insert into tbl_delete values (2,'SQL') insert into tbl_delete values (2,'SQL') -- Two rows are same with all fileds select * from tbl_delete WHERE id =1 Begin tran SET ROWCOUNT 1 DELETE FROM tbl_delete WHERE id =1 SET ROWCOUNT 0 -- Run this when you see (1 row(s) affected), otherwise rollback tran Commit tran Hope this help someone.