This will check all SQL server Drive and notify on the low space percentage based on the threshold.
This will enable & disable Ole Automation Procedures, make sure, if you have system to be always enabled Ole Automation Procedures, comment the script based on the requirements.
WARNING: It needs Ole Automation Procedures, enable and disable (OR) permanently enable if it already enabled or needed to be enabled for any applications.
use DBAdata -- select * from DBAdata.dbo.DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage drop table DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage]( [DRIVE] [char](1) NULL, [Lable_NAME] [varchar](50) NULL, [FREE_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [used_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [Total_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [Precentage_free] NUMERIC(9,0) NULL, [SERVER_NAME] [varchar](50) NULL ) /*=====================================*/ -- select * from DBAdata_Archive.dbo.DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage use [DBAdata_Archive] drop table DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage]( [DRIVE] [char](1) NULL, [Lable_NAME] [varchar](50) NULL, [FREE_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [used_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [Total_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [Precentage_free] NUMERIC(9,0) NULL, [SERVER_NAME] [varchar](50) NULL, [Upload_date] [datetime] NULL )
/* use DBAdata -- select * from DBAdata.dbo.DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage drop table DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage]( [DRIVE] [char](1) NULL, [Lable_NAME] [varchar](50) NULL, [FREE_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [used_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [Total_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [Precentage_free] NUMERIC(9,0) NULL, [SERVER_NAME] [varchar](50) NULL ) /*=====================================*/ -- select * from DBAdata_Archive.dbo.DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage use [DBAdata_Archive] drop table DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage]( [DRIVE] [char](1) NULL, [Lable_NAME] [varchar](50) NULL, [FREE_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [used_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [Total_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [Precentage_free] NUMERIC(9,0) NULL, [SERVER_NAME] [varchar](50) NULL, [Upload_date] [datetime] NULL ) */ --DROP PROC [USP_DBA_GETSERVERSPACE_percentage] -- Exec DBAdata.[dbo].[USP_DBA_GETSERVERSPACE_percentage] @P_Precentage_free= 10 -- less than 10 % alert USE DBAdata GO alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[USP_DBA_GETSERVERSPACE_percentage] /* Summary: Percentage of Space Utilization findings Contact: Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy SQL DBA Description: Percentage of Space Utilization findings This will enable & disable Ole Automation Procedures, make sure, if you have system to be always enabled Ole Automation Procedures, comment the script ChangeLog: Date Coder Description 2013-jan-21 Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy Updated the 2012 functionality */ (@P_Precentage_free int) --WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN -- select * from DBADATA.DBO.DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage TRUNCATE TABLE DBADATA.DBO.DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage CREATE TABLE #TEMPSPACE_percentage ( [DRIVE] [char](1) NULL, [Lable_NAME] [varchar](50) NULL, [FREE_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [used_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [Total_SPACE_IN_MB] [int] NULL, [Precentage_free] NUMERIC(9,0) NULL, ) DECLARE @SERVER_NAME VARCHAR(200) DECLARE @DESC VARCHAR(200) --** PUT LOCAL SERVER FIRST. -- Ole Automation need to be checked in the system by default this is been disabled -- Check before enable and disable, if the system needs this should be enabled all the time, make adjustment /* exec master..sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 RECONFIGURE; exec master..sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1 RECONFIGURE; */ SET NOCOUNT ON IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE name = '##_DriveSpace') DROP TABLE ##_DriveSpace IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE name = '##_DriveInfo') DROP TABLE ##_DriveInfo DECLARE @Result INT , @objFSO INT , @Drv INT , @cDrive VARCHAR(13) , @Size VARCHAR(50) , @Free VARCHAR(50) , @Label varchar(10) CREATE TABLE ##_DriveSpace ( DriveLetter CHAR(1) not null , FreeSpace VARCHAR(10) not null ) CREATE TABLE ##_DriveInfo ( DriveLetter CHAR(1) , TotalSpace bigint , FreeSpace bigint , Label varchar(10) ) INSERT INTO ##_DriveSpace EXEC master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives -- Iterate through drive letters. DECLARE curDriveLetters CURSOR FOR SELECT driveletter FROM ##_DriveSpace DECLARE @DriveLetter char(1) OPEN curDriveLetters FETCH NEXT FROM curDriveLetters INTO @DriveLetter WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1) BEGIN IF (@@fetch_status <> -2) BEGIN SET @cDrive = 'GetDrive("' + @DriveLetter + '")' EXEC @Result = sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @objFSO OUTPUT IF @Result = 0 EXEC @Result = sp_OAMethod @objFSO, @cDrive, @Drv OUTPUT IF @Result = 0 EXEC @Result = sp_OAGetProperty @Drv,'TotalSize', @Size OUTPUT IF @Result = 0 EXEC @Result = sp_OAGetProperty @Drv,'FreeSpace', @Free OUTPUT IF @Result = 0 EXEC @Result = sp_OAGetProperty @Drv,'VolumeName', @Label OUTPUT IF @Result <> 0 EXEC sp_OADestroy @Drv EXEC sp_OADestroy @objFSO SET @Size = (CONVERT(BIGINT,@Size) / 1048576 ) SET @Free = (CONVERT(BIGINT,@Free) / 1048576 ) INSERT INTO ##_DriveInfo VALUES (@DriveLetter, @Size, @Free, @Label) END FETCH NEXT FROM curDriveLetters INTO @DriveLetter END CLOSE curDriveLetters DEALLOCATE curDriveLetters INSERT INTO dbadata.dbo.DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage SELECT DriveLetter , Label , FreeSpace AS [FreeSpace MB] , (TotalSpace - FreeSpace) AS [UsedSpace MB] , TotalSpace AS [TotalSpace MB] , ((CONVERT(NUMERIC(9,0),FreeSpace) / CONVERT(NUMERIC(9,0),TotalSpace)) * 100) AS [Percentage Free] ,@@SERVERNAME FROM ##_DriveInfo ORDER BY [DriveLetter] ASC --SELECT *,'abcd' AS SERVERNAME FROM ##_DriveInfo ORDER BY FreeSpace desc DROP TABLE ##_DriveSpace DROP TABLE ##_DriveInfo /* exec master..sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 0 RECONFIGURE; exec master..sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0 RECONFIGURE; */ --PRINT @@SERVERNAME +' COMPLETED.' DECLARE ALLSERVER_percentage CURSOR FOR SELECT SERVERNAME, [DESCRIPTION] FROM DBADATA.DBO.DBA_ALL_SERVERS WHERE svr_status ='running' and Version not in ('SQL2000') OPEN ALLSERVER_percentage FETCH NEXT FROM ALLSERVER_percentage INTO @SERVER_NAME,@DESC WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS=0 BEGIN BEGIN TRY TRUNCATE TABLE #TEMPSPACE_percentage INSERT INTO DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage -- (DRIVE,Lable_NAME,FREE_SPACE_IN_MB,used_SPACE_IN_MB,Total_SPACE_IN_MB,Precentage_free) SELECT null,Null,null,null,null,null,null EXEC ('EXEC [' + @SERVER_NAME+'].MASTER.DBO.USP_TEMPSPACE_POP_percentage') EXEC ('INSERT INTO #TEMPSPACE_percentage SELECT * FROM [' + @SERVER_NAME+'].MASTER.DBO.TEMPSPACE_percentage') INSERT INTO DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage SELECT *,@DESC AS SERVERNAME FROM #TEMPSPACE_percentage --PRINT 'SERVER ' +@SERVER_NAME+' COMPLETED.' END TRY BEGIN CATCH --SELECT @SERVER_NAME,ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; insert into tbl_Error_handling SELECT @SERVER_NAME,'Drive_percentage',[Error_Line] = ERROR_LINE(),[Error_Number] = ERROR_NUMBER(), [Error_Severity] = ERROR_SEVERITY(),[Error_State] = ERROR_STATE(), [Error_Message] = ERROR_MESSAGE(),GETDATE() --PRINT 'SERVER ['+@SERVER_NAME+']is not COMPLETED.' END CATCH FETCH NEXT FROM ALLSERVER_percentage INTO @SERVER_NAME,@DESC END CLOSE ALLSERVER_percentage DEALLOCATE ALLSERVER_percentage DROP TABLE #TEMPSPACE_percentage ---------------------------------------------------- -- May be its time to send the report to my DBA DECLARE @SERVERNAME VARCHAR(500) DECLARE @DRIVE VARCHAR(200) DECLARE @Lable_NAME VARCHAR(200) DECLARE @FREE_SPACE_IN_MB VARCHAR(200) DECLARE @used_SPACE_IN_MB VARCHAR(200) DECLARE @Total_SPACE_IN_MB VARCHAR(200) DECLARE @Precentage_free VARCHAR(200) -- select * from dbadata.dbo.DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage if exists ( select 1 from dbadata.dbo.DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage where Precentage_free<@P_Precentage_free AND DRIVE NOT IN ('Q','P') and (server_name not in ('abcd','aa','bb\SDSS')) and (server_name <>'xx' and drive <>'Z') ) begin DECLARE SPACECUR CURSOR FOR SELECT SERVER_NAME,DRIVE, Lable_name,Total_SPACE_IN_MB,used_SPACE_IN_MB,FREE_SPACE_IN_MB, Precentage_free FROM [DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage] where Precentage_free<@P_Precentage_free AND DRIVE NOT IN ('Q','P') and (server_name not in ('abcd','aa','bb\SDSS')) and (server_name <>'xx' and drive <>'Z') order by server_name OPEN SPACECUR FETCH NEXT FROM SPACECUR INTO @SERVERNAME,@DRIVE,@Lable_NAME,@Total_SPACE_IN_MB,@used_SPACE_IN_MB,@FREE_SPACE_IN_MB,@Precentage_free DECLARE @BODY1 VARCHAR(max) SET @BODY1= '<font size=2 color=#C35817 face=''verdana''><B>FOLLOWINGS ARE LOW DISK SPACE PERCENTAGE INFO:</b> </font> <P> <font size=1 color=#FF00FF face=''verdana''> <Table border=0 width=1000 bgcolor=#ECE5B6 cellpadding=1 style="color:#7E2217;font-face:verdana;font-size:12px;"> <b> <tr bgcolor=#8A4117 align=center style="color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:bold"> <td width=550 color=white>Server Name</td> <td width=150 color=white>Drive</td> <td width=150 color=white>Lable</td> <td width=550 color=white>Total Space MB</td> <td width=550 color=white>Used Space MB</td> <td width=550 color=white>Free Space MB</td> <td width=350 color=white>% Free</td> </b> </tr>' WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS=0 BEGIN SET @BODY1= @BODY1 +'<tr> <td>'+ISNULL(@SERVERNAME,' ')+'</td>'+ '<td align=center>'+ISNULL(@DRIVE+':',' ')+'</td>'+ '<td align=center>'+ISNULL(@Lable_NAME,' ')+'</td>'+ '<td align=center>'+ISNULL(@Total_SPACE_IN_MB,' ')+'</td>'+ '<td align=center>'+ISNULL(@used_SPACE_IN_MB,' ')+'</td>'+ '<td align=center>'+ISNULL(@FREE_SPACE_IN_MB,' ')+'</td>'+ case when @Precentage_free< 10 then '<td align=center style="color:#FF0000;font-weight:bold">'+ISNULL(@Precentage_free,' ')+'</td>' else '<td align=center >'+ISNULL(@Precentage_free,' ')+'</td>' end FETCH NEXT FROM SPACECUR INTO @SERVERNAME,@DRIVE,@Lable_NAME,@Total_SPACE_IN_MB,@used_SPACE_IN_MB,@FREE_SPACE_IN_MB,@Precentage_free END SET @BODY1=@BODY1+'</Table> </p> <p> <font style="color:#7E2217;font-face:verdana;font-size:9px;"> Generated on ' +convert(varchar(30),getdate(),100)+'. </BR> This is an auto generated mail by DBA TEAM. If you receive this email by mistake please contact us. </br> © Property of DBA Team. </font>' CLOSE SPACECUR DEALLOCATE SPACECUR DECLARE @EMAILIDS VARCHAR(500) SELECT @EMAILIDS= COALESCE(@EMAILIDS+';','')+EMAIL_ADDRESS FROM DBAdata.DBO.DBA_ALL_OPERATORS WHERE STATUS =1 DECLARE @EMAILIDS1 VARCHAR(500) --SELECT @EMAILIDS1= ';' SELECT @EMAILIDS1= '' EXEC MSDB.DBO.SP_SEND_DBMAIL @RECIPIENTS=@EMAILIDS, @SUBJECT = 'DBA: DISK SPACE PERCENTAGE INFO', @BODY = @BODY1, @copy_recipients=@EMAILIDS1, @BODY_FORMAT = 'HTML' ,@PROFILE_NAME='muthu'; --select @BODY1 ------------------------------------------------------- end --select * from DBAdata_Archive.dbo.DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage insert into DBAdata_Archive.dbo.DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage select *,GETDATE() from DBA_All_Server_Space_percentage END
If you are using SQL 2000, you will get an error for enabling Ole Automation Procedures. But as long as it installed it will work. Just the table if it is installed or not — SELECT * FROM master.dbo.sysobjects WHERE name LIKE ‘%sp_OA%’ AND xtype = ‘X’
Server: Msg 15123, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_configure, Line 78
The configuration option ‘Ole Automation Procedures’ does not exist, or it may be an advanced option.
One Comment
Getting error
ad hoc update to system catalogs is not supported sql server