The requirement is load sp_helpdb for all databases in the server, about 100+ serves to check database size quickly (sp_helpdb will hold both used and unused). Use CMS registered server, copy the data and paste in excel, import the excel file into a table. (OR) use BCP command. sp_helpdb create table tbl_sp_helpdb ( server_name varchar (100),name varchar(100),Size_in_mb varchar(100),owner varchar(100), dbid int,created datetime, status varchar(100), compatibility_level int ) -- Import the excel select * from tbl_sp_helpdb order by Size_in_mb alter table tbl_sp_helpdb alter column Size_in_mb numeric --Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric. select left (Size_in_mb,LEN(Size_in_mb) -2) as Size_in_mb,* from tbl_sp_helpdb order by Size_in_mb update tbl_sp_helpdb set Size_in_mb =left (Size_in_mb,LEN(Size_in_mb)…