• Oracle

    Oracle Tablespace-05

    Tablespace: A database is divided into one or more logical storage units called tablespaces. All tablespaces, including the SYSTEM tablespace, can be locally managed. https://asktom.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:7116328455352 http://www.orafaq.com/node/3.   Types: 1.System tablespace 2. Non System tablespace System SysAUX Undo Temporary — A different block size object cannot move between the tablespace. — All the data file name should be created as unique. Since, it might have some issues in cloning a database. TEMPFILEs are not fully initialized (sparse). When you create a TEMPFILE, Oracle only writes to the header and last block of the file. This is why it is much quicker to create a TEMPFILE than to create a normal database…

  • Oracle

    Oracle Database Physical and logical structures-04

    Database Physical and logical structures Block Smallest storage unit called a block. Size can be {2k,4k,8k,16k & 32k} – Default 8k. Standard block and Nonstandard block. Default is standard block. Db_block_size =8192. Once it’s configured we cannot change this. Each block has pctused, pctfree & high water mark. PCTused – For insert – 40% PCTfree – For Update – 10% High Water Mark – Separate the used & free space of block   Multiple block size (9i onwards) You can configure the size of the block for the database. Db_nk_cache_size = nk Db_16k_cache_size =16k Block utilization parameter: ================ Initran  1 Initial transaction Maxtran 256 – maximum transaction Pctused – inserted…

  • Oracle

    Oracle Architecture-03

    Oracle 11g Architecture Oracle – PGA+ Instance + DB files Instance – SGA + BG Instance —SGA and BG   SGA — Shared Pool, Database buffer cache, Redo log buffer cache, large pool, Java pool & Streams pool. Shared Pool — Most recently executed statements and definitions. Data Dictionary cache & Library cache Data Dictionary — most recently used definitions, including table, index & privilege. Library cache — most recently used SQL & PL/SQL statements Shared SQL area & Shared PL/SQL area Database buffer pool — It stores a copy of data block. Default, keep & Recycle Redo log buffer pool — it stores all the changes made to the…

  • Oracle

    Oracle DBA Unix commands-02

    DBA Unix commands | symbol is for combine and filter the results like we use in Power Shell pipe out. R is for recursive & grep command is used to search text ps -ef |grep pmon – Get the running user process. ps -ef |grep smon – Get the running user process. Disk related commands: # df -h {-m,-k} -- Disk free # du -h /opt -- Disk usage for Particular mount point disk # pwd -present working directory # cd /opt - change directory # ls - list the files and folders -l -long list like a windows properties -lt - long list with time -ltr - long list…

  • Oracle

    Install oracle 11g on redhat centos vmware on laptop -01

    I have been asked to support oracle, I have started self learning and had some corporate training as well. In this post, I am sharing how to build VM and install oracle database in your desktop or laptop. Install and build VMware workstation in your laptop Build new VM by installing CentOS or Linux Copy the DB software and install DB binaries Create a oracle database Create a listener Connect the database by putty and SQL developer How to Install Linux on VMware workstation 1&2 Install VMware work station On the OS part — install OS later option– 40 GB disk size VM –Store virtual machine in single file– Click customize…